By Laura Sirhal, contributor
Sophomore Representative: Laura Sirhal
I am Laura Sirhal and I am running for Class Representative for the Sophomore class. As representative of the sophomore class I would like to help change things for the better. But as a class and a school ,we, the students, need to address issues in a constructive manner while maintaining unity. As I talked to various students about what changes they would like to see in the year ahead, one problem that was constantly mentioned was the issue of cleanliness in the school. In the year ahead, my goal is to work together to make this facility cleaner. The bathrooms are the first priority. However, this is not the only issue that we need to work on together. It is my belief that as a school and as a class we should join in more class activities and promote togetherness. As a Sophomore Representative, I would like to be part of the team that will implement these and other concerns in the year of 2012- 2013. I ask you to cast your vote for me, so that we can make the change for the better together.
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