Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Andrade Campaign Statement

By Andreza Andrade, contributor

Sophomore Representative: Andreza Andrade

Hello soon to be sophomores! I am really passionate about the student council and many reasons why you should vote for me as your new class representative are because not only am I a great leader and enjoy organizing events but it is also because of the many things that I have already contributed to the Sturgis Student Council this past year and the many things that I plan on taking into action in the future. I have been an extremely committed member of student council this past year and would enjoy representing our class. I have attended every single student council meeting that has been held this past school year as well and attending all of the events put on by the student council. Not only did I attended the events but I also helped plan and organize and put in many hours of work into the following events:

-All 3 dances
-Spirit week and field day
-Field day (which is right around the corner!)
-The Holiday Elf Extravaganza
-The dodge ball tournament

If I were to become your sophomore class rep, I would work really hard at planning more events that would bring together the entire student body throughout the school year as well as continuing our traditional events. I am very easy to talk to and would love to hear any opinions, ideas and advice that my fellow classmates have to offer.  Being the sophomore class rep would really mean a lot to me! I look forward to another year in the student council.

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