Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Etienne Campaign Statement

By Catherine Etienne, contributor

Secretary: Catherine Etienne

     Hi, my name is Catherine Etienne and I am running for Student Council Secretary. I remember my first Spirit Week at Sturgis. Being from Barnstable, I thought that such excitement could only be generated from large schools, but Sturgis proved me wrong. Following spirit week, I was again highly amused by different events in the school’s calendar such as the Fall Dance and Field Day. I later realized that all these events were run by the same group of people: the Student Council. This year, as a sophomore, I took the liberty in joining the Student Council in hopes of trying to help make the whole school feel the same way I felt about Sturgis events as a freshman. However, after joining the council, I realized the extant obstacles that must have been faced and tackled in order to achieve such high hopes. Not everyone was too impressed with this year’s spirit week, nor were too many people among different classes interested in Secret Santa. And I must apologize to the people who showed up to January’s dance decked out in black light attire only to find out that we couldn’t get the black lights. But we can change all this. As secretary, I plan on attending each meeting and taking helpful, thorough notes. It may not sound like much, but through notes, we as a council can look back at our mistakes and try to improve them. We can look at our successes and make them even better. By now, the council has realized that paying more attention to the notes the secretary takes would result in a lot more success along the year. I ask that you vote mindfully, that you vote caringly, that you vote me, Catherine Etienne, as your Student Council Secretary.

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