Thursday, January 24, 2013

Public Displays of Affection at Sturgis

Too much PDA at East?

By the StormWatch staff

As you walk through the halls of Sturgis Charter Public School East, you see the academic excellence and open-minded thinking that the school has to offer. In fact, many people believe that the multiple freedoms that the students at Sturgis contribute to the overall academic achievement that is found in each student.  However, we have to wonder, do students have too much liberty?  
  The students at Sturgis have a rigorous curriculum and at times, they just need a break.  However, do students have too many breaks?  What is, in fact, going on in the free time before school, during break, and at lunch?  With all these liberties, are the students going too far?
  As a newspaper staff, we have come to the realization that there are too many Public Displays of Affection going on in the hallways during the school day.  The students' freedoms have come to the point where the students are using the free time that the school offers as a time to pursue romantic relationships.  Relationships are something typical of high schoolers, and they are fine, but what becomes too much? When does it become out of control? Here at our school, it has come to the point that boys' arms are wrapped around girls from behind, there is significant making out, there is petting, and there is leaning on one other in front of lockers.
  It has come to the point that students can no longer get to their lockers without running into couples in every hallway.  The problem of excessive PDA has hit Sturgis hard, creating frustration among the students whom are simply at this I.B. school to learn. Sturgis is a place of learning, not a place to pursue romantic relationships during the school hours. These public displays of affection have gone beyond holding hands. What is wrong with PDA is that it makes other students uncomfortable, and it leaves a poor impression for other visitors of the school.  Shadows have also expressed concern in witnessing PDA.
  As discussed by the StormWatch, holding hands is socially acceptable.  However, going beyond that can be a little too much.  At Sturgis East, there are many married teachers who work together; What if they decided to spend break in the teachers’ room making out? How would their colleagues and students feel?  If teachers displaying PDA during the school day is socially unacceptable, then why should it be different for students?
  After talking with students at the school, many have come to a consensus. From freshman to seniors, the way that PDA has been handled is an issue.  There are many solutions that can be found through students and faculty.  There should be mutual respect among classmates.  Students should police their peers and let them know of the respect they should be giving one another.  Teachers also need to keep an eye on it and try to stop it.  
 In the crowded hallways students struggle to get to their lockers without  some impediment getting in their way. What gets in the way of most students is none other than young couples kissing  and hugging. “When I am trying to get into my locker in the morning, break, or lunch there is always a crowd of couples kissing and cuddling and not letting me through even when they can see me standing there. It is really difficult to get my binders for other classes when there is no way to get into my locker,” says Jensen Simmons.
 Students like Jensen have expressed their feelings towards this issue.  Students who are only looking to go to their lockers to grab a binder for a class run into the problem of batting a crowd of couples.   No matter where you look, you will find couples gathered together.  Academic excellence is hindered and reputations tarnished by the couples showing excessive amounts of PDA.
  What can be done?  PDA needs to come to an end.  As a newspaper, we feel that this is an important issue that needs to be addressed.  If something is done, we can preserve the atmosphere of respect and dignity of the school and its student body.  It is important that we all come together to make a change.  The majority of students feels that there is a problem with PDA in the hallways. If we come together, we can change our school for the better.  It just takes students to show mutual respect for each other and for teachers to monitor the situation.  Enforcing minimal PDA will make the school days go smoother, and everyone will be happy.

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