Friday, September 21, 2012

Campbell Candidate Statement

By Elizabeth Campbell, contributor

Freshman Representative: Elizabeth Campbell

My name is Elizabeth Campbell, I am a freshman at Sturgis East and I would like to run for student council of class of 2016. I entered Sturgis with a lot of things on my mind, one thing, to be able to help make a change for this class.
      Each year, we all want something different and as your representative I would like to make each of your voices heard and these complaints or suggestions brought to the table. Students want dances, field trips, a bigger range of sports and clubs, and more. But with each of these things comes a price, but with someone in charge and active, I could have more fundraisers to raise money and awareness for things like these.
      People love to get out of school every once and a while and just learn a little differently and field trips are one way to do it. The students here are mature and interested in their studies and going outside the regular classroom is refreshing every once in a while for everyone, but I do understand that it costs money, so raising money will be needed. I would also like to make note that dances are a great way to stay social and connected with your peers. I understand that there are not many for the students at Sturgis and a few more would be something great to look forward too! If I am informed that people would like a new club introduced to the school, I will do all that I can for that to be proposed as an idea for the heads of school.
      I will take this job seriously and do it to the best of my ability so I am counting on the votes of the freshmen of class of 2016!

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