Thursday, May 24, 2012

West Begins to Take Shape at Construction Site

Noticeable Construction has Started at Sturgis West

By Meghan Agostinelli, co-editor
All photos by Alicia Pollard, co-editor

Starting at Sturgis East, head west down Main Street, drive around the West End rotary, drive past the Melody Tent, and take a left onto a dusty road just before the Stop & Shop petrol station. You have now arrived at the future home for Sturgis West.

Using a large crane a sub-foundation panel is moved into place.

At present, the site looks like a “big jigsaw puzzle” as aptly described by Mr. Hyer. A
huge pile of sand is located in the middle of the construction site. But, the full foundation is laid in place, indicating the large footprint of what will become of the two-story construction. Piles of pipes lie in various areas throughout the site. About a dozen modules, all transported here from Pennsylvania, stand in a row. Each module is covered with white tarp, and each has been written on in red ink to indicate where the piece will later be placed.
Although much work remains, the construction workers are rapidly making headway. Two modules, including windows, has been put upon the foundation, and completely assembled.

Facing East: A view of the crawl space. The basement is in the distance.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Student Council Candidate Statements

Student Council Candidate Statements
An enlightened campaign poster by Matt Cappucci, who is running for sophomore representative. Liam Prendergast's poster, who is also running for the same position, can be seen in the background. Photo by Ted Jameson, staff pseudonym
Editors' Note: The following is a hotlink list of all the Sturgis East Student Council candidates' statements. StormWatch has listed them by position in alphabetical order. The statements' are the candidate's own writing. No editorializing or editing has been done by our staff.

President & Vice President
Ben Duncan & Kaleigh Fallon
Ian Bowes & Kevin Glassman
Adam Bennani & Sam Schlesinger

Catherine Etienne

Senior Representative
Connor Bryant

Junior Representative
John Bondarek

Sophomore Representative
Andreza Andrade
Matthew Cappucci
Parth Patel
Liam Prendergast
Grayce Rogers
Laura Sirhal

There will also be the option for students to conduct write-in campaigns.

Sirhal Campaign Statement

By Laura Sirhal, contributor

Sophomore Representative: Laura Sirhal 

I am Laura Sirhal and I am running for Class Representative for the Sophomore class. As representative of the sophomore class I would like to help change things for the better. But as a class and a school ,we, the students, need to address issues in a constructive manner while maintaining unity. As I talked to various students about what changes they would like to see in the year ahead, one problem that was constantly mentioned was the issue of cleanliness in the school. In the year ahead, my goal is to work together to make this facility cleaner. The bathrooms are the first priority. However, this is not the only issue that we need to work on together. It is my belief that as a school and as a class we should join in more class activities and promote togetherness. As a Sophomore Representative, I would like to be part of the team that will implement these and other concerns in the year of 2012- 2013. I ask you to cast your vote for me, so that we can make the change for the better together.

Rogers Campaign Statement

By Graycie Rogers, contributor

Sophomore Representative: Graycie Rogers 

Walking through the doors to Sturgis welcomes me to a world where I don’t see guys or ladies, I don’t just see classmates. I see potential. In each of you.. Not just the potential of four years, not the potential of graduation. I see the future and the next generation.
I ask myself; am I going to school with a doctor, a Boston Red Sox pitcher, an actor or a President of the United States? It’s my goal to represent you and work with you to create positive changes and help you reach your potential. And by helping you you’ll also be helping me. President Obama once said  “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek”.
Sturgis has helped me to reach for my potential through my classes, volleyball, softball, and meeting very different people. Each with dreams, each with potential. I’m proud of my work within the community. I’ve volunteered for fund raisers and helped at a no-kill cat shelter, prepare and sent care packages to our troops, and have offered to volunteer with the Red Cross and Falmouth Hospital not only during the school year but throughout the summer.
Everything I’ve done has motivated me and helped to prepare me to serve on the Sophomore Student Council. Each of these things and each of you have inspired me to set an example. I’m approachable, willing to listen, willing to learn. I’m committed to work with my peers if I win or lose. I believe that a person can make a difference. A vote for me is definitely a vote for your voice. I’m Grayce Rogers, Making A Difference since 1997 and I’ve approved this message.

Prendergast Campaign Statement

By Liam Prendergast, contributor

Sophomore Representative: Liam Prendergast 

Student council and Latin are very similar to most of you: something slightly annoying that you only have to deal with once in a while- so please bear with me for the next week. As freshmen representative, I enjoy planning fun stuff for us to do. We have plenty of teachers who can make sure we are being well educated; so student council’s purpose is to organize events for the school that will prevent us from going insane from all this fancy book learnin’. As your freshmen rep, I helped the council plan and execute a ballin spirit week, a semi-awesome semi-formal and an upcoming neon dance which shall be written down in the annals of Sturgis history (or the police blotter). I have epic, even insane plans for next year; with your help our class can dominate all the other sophomore classes on this peninsula (and beyond?). On a serious note thank you for electing me as your rep. Together lets make sophomore year a blast!

Patel Campaign Statement

By Parth Patel, contributor

Sophomore Representative: Parth Patel 

Being a part of our community, I would like to help out around the school and help change some things to make the class of 2015 an overall better group of individuals. That is why I am running for the position of class representative. Not convinced? Well read on. I do not want to be an class representative to get out of school work or receive publicity, instead I am genuinely willing to give up my time to help you! I will listen to what you have to say and will take all your ideas and requests seriously, hopefully making them a reality. I am kind to all people whether or not they are in my friend group and I am never excluding anybody for any reason.
 I am organized and I have everything neat, tidy and ready for action. I am resilient and if something I do doesn't turn out right, I don't give up and I will keep strong and try harder. I have a passion for becoming a class representative, which is to help other people. I am not lazy and I will try my hardest to benefit our class in every way I possibly can.
 I am patient and I like listening to other people rather than myself. I am confident and stand up for what I believe in and I am not afraid to speak to a large crowd. We are all different but equal. 
I am really determined of getting this job as class representative and putting 100% into the work I do. With your help I can receive this position and promise to use it wisely. Remember, you will be the one who benefits, so I hope you may consider voting for me.

Cappucci Campaign Statement

By Matthew Cappucci, contributor

Sophomore Representative: Matt Cappucci

In the past, I have had extensive leadership positions that would undoubtingly make me an invaluable asset for the Sturgis Team. This leadership assisted me in multiple student council events in my previous school, and will continue to aid me in the future.
An ideal candidate would be skilled at organizing events, a quality that I possess. If elected, I would plan on bringing quite a few of my creative ideas to the table. Some of these ideas include the following:
  1. End of the year fun- I find it somewhat depressing that our stress levels increase until the end of the year, and then- that’s it. If elected, I would be sure to help coordinate some type of event that will be a fun start to the summer of 2013, just after finals are over.
  2. If elected, I would try (keyword try) to convince more of the teachers to take us to Ben and Jerry’s on the Free Ice Cream Day.
  3. During Mid Terms, everyone in the grade will be guaranteed a complimentary candy cane- they increase test scores by 2%!

I am also a very fun and promising candidate. As previously mentioned, I know how to plan a fun event that involves creativity as well.

Furthermore, I have had past involvement with charitable organizations. I have helped to raise $12,000 in some large-scale events, proving that I could organize some fun and effective events for Sturgis. I hope that some of these events may inspire similar fundraisers to pop up here at Sturgis to fund our student council, field trips, and fun things to do. Sturgis is a place of academic demand... we can be #15 in the nation, and have fun too! Just mark the right candidate... voting for me will ultimately be advantageous to you.

Andrade Campaign Statement

By Andreza Andrade, contributor

Sophomore Representative: Andreza Andrade

Hello soon to be sophomores! I am really passionate about the student council and many reasons why you should vote for me as your new class representative are because not only am I a great leader and enjoy organizing events but it is also because of the many things that I have already contributed to the Sturgis Student Council this past year and the many things that I plan on taking into action in the future. I have been an extremely committed member of student council this past year and would enjoy representing our class. I have attended every single student council meeting that has been held this past school year as well and attending all of the events put on by the student council. Not only did I attended the events but I also helped plan and organize and put in many hours of work into the following events:

-All 3 dances
-Spirit week and field day
-Field day (which is right around the corner!)
-The Holiday Elf Extravaganza
-The dodge ball tournament

If I were to become your sophomore class rep, I would work really hard at planning more events that would bring together the entire student body throughout the school year as well as continuing our traditional events. I am very easy to talk to and would love to hear any opinions, ideas and advice that my fellow classmates have to offer.  Being the sophomore class rep would really mean a lot to me! I look forward to another year in the student council.

Bondarek Campaign Statement

By John Bondarek, contributor

Junior Representative: John Bondarek 

Hi! My name is John Bondarek, and I am currently a sophomore at Sturgis and I am looking for the possibility of being elected to become the Junior class representative for the class of 2014.
After being at this wonderful school for the last two years I have learned a lot about my peers. I have found out that my class is quite energetic and loves to have fun activities planned so that they can live their school year on the best note possible.
I am a pretty straight forward kind of guy and able to take control of any requests that come my way if they are within reason for my classes benefit. Since I feel like I am well connected with my class I am certain that there will be no communication problems between me and the other students to have their opinions heard and went through in front of the Student Council board. In my old school I was involved with quite a few leadership conferences that have boosted the way of having the perfect amount of “manpower” to run large events with ease.
I am also quite familiar with the structure of the Student Council system. I attended meetings in my old school and also ran the school store on occasions. I feel like my input is a great value to the council because, I feel like I have many new ideas to bring to the table such as, a student store that will help benefit revenue for the faculty and attendees by supplying key items for learning such as pencils and rulers and notebooks.
In conclusion, I have spoken to a bunch of current sophomores and saw if they felt like I would be a good fit for the position and I received not one opposition of my ability to run and succeed.

I promise if chosen to uphold this position I will do everything in my power to benefit the students of Sturgis School and go beyond the expectations of all so that all will have the memorable time at Sturgis that they so deserve. Thanks For Your Time.

Bryant Campaign Statement

By Connor Bryant, contributor

Senior Representative: Connor Bryant 

I believe that I should be elected Senior Class Representative because I feel that I am the best candidate for the position, I have 2 years of experience in Student Council and I feel that I can bring my experience to the table and help StuCo be a more effective form of student government this upcoming year. I was class president in 7th and 8th grade but took time off from Student Council in high school to focus my priorities, I now realize that I could bring a lot to the table for this Council.

Etienne Campaign Statement

By Catherine Etienne, contributor

Secretary: Catherine Etienne

     Hi, my name is Catherine Etienne and I am running for Student Council Secretary. I remember my first Spirit Week at Sturgis. Being from Barnstable, I thought that such excitement could only be generated from large schools, but Sturgis proved me wrong. Following spirit week, I was again highly amused by different events in the school’s calendar such as the Fall Dance and Field Day. I later realized that all these events were run by the same group of people: the Student Council. This year, as a sophomore, I took the liberty in joining the Student Council in hopes of trying to help make the whole school feel the same way I felt about Sturgis events as a freshman. However, after joining the council, I realized the extant obstacles that must have been faced and tackled in order to achieve such high hopes. Not everyone was too impressed with this year’s spirit week, nor were too many people among different classes interested in Secret Santa. And I must apologize to the people who showed up to January’s dance decked out in black light attire only to find out that we couldn’t get the black lights. But we can change all this. As secretary, I plan on attending each meeting and taking helpful, thorough notes. It may not sound like much, but through notes, we as a council can look back at our mistakes and try to improve them. We can look at our successes and make them even better. By now, the council has realized that paying more attention to the notes the secretary takes would result in a lot more success along the year. I ask that you vote mindfully, that you vote caringly, that you vote me, Catherine Etienne, as your Student Council Secretary.

Bowes-Glassman Campaign Statements

By Ian Bowes & Kevin Glassman, contributors

President: Ian Bowes 
Vice-President: Kevin Glassman 

Ian Bowes
Kevin Glassman

Ian Bowes
I remember running for my first real position in my sophomore year as my class’s representative. It was a great deal of running around, making promises, worrying about upcoming events, and overall just being a mixture of excited and nervous. I chose to run for president to get that feeling again, to give back to my school again, help out where I could and try and do a little good for the benefit of the other students. I remember the good times I had organizing and working collaboratively with others to make an event we could all be proud of and getting to say that I helped. I want to do this all again and I can only imagine how different it is going to be, but how much fun it is going to be all at the same time. Although, I must admit that I have been thinking about running for president for quite some time, ever since the end of my sophomore year when I decided not to run again I felt as if my best chance to work with student council would be to get an elected position. At the same time this is not just a simple want or desire, but I truly feel I could do well in this position, as my past work with student council showed how willing to help I was and how I was always ready to accept new ideas. I will not deny though that being student council president at Sturgis, will look great on college forms and to me is even somewhat of a bragging right, but those are not the only reasons I am running. I hope I will be taken into account for the election thank you.

Kevin Glassman
I believe that I should be elected as the Vice President of the Sturgis Charter Public School student body. Over my time spent as a student here I have noticed what a close knit community we have become, I think of this school as my home away from home not only because I spend six hours of my day here Monday through Friday but also because when I am not here I am doing some sort of work that relates to this school, whether it be CAS hours or an IA. As a full diploma candidate I can understand the troubles and concerns that students have and can empathize with them. I appreciate the importance of this position and understand how large of a responsibility it is to serve as a figurehead of the student body and to make the opinions and concerns of these students known to our faculty and to one another. I feel as if I already share a strong link with the student body and am eager to make just as strong a bond with our faculty in order to maintain the great student teacher relations that I personally pride Sturgis on. I will be running with Ian Bowes, a student that has proven his extraordinary school spirit in every way imaginable and has been a member of student council ever since he was a student here. I am willing to say that he has the best relations with the faculty of this school of any student in his class and that by combining his ability to speak with our faculty and be respected by them with my abilities to converse with and be appreciated by our student body we can create an even stronger link between students and faculty.

Duncan-Fallon Campaign Statements

By Ben Duncan & Kaleigh Fallon, contributors 

President: Ben Duncan 
Vice-President: Kaleigh Fallon 
Ben Duncan
Kaleigh Fallon


Ben Duncan
Hello, for those who do not know me, my name is Ben Duncan and I am a rising senior running for Student Council president for the 2012-13 year. This past year, I have served as the Junior Representative for the council. As Junior Rep, I took on new responsibilities and developed new communication skills.

Having had this year of experience, I believe that I have gained a good feel for how the Council operates. I have seen what has and has not worked, and will use this knowledge to implement the best tactics in organizing events for next year. In addition, I would like to restructure the organization and style of our meetings to create an organized itinerary for each meeting while having an open-minded atmosphere. I believe that this will be crucial to the efficiency of the council in accomplishing our goals within our weekly meetings. Many claim that the Student Council does not do much, but I assure you, that if elected, my running mate Kaleigh and I will ensure that STUFF GETS DONE!

Although I am not personally close with Kaleigh, I believe that we will make the ideal team as President and VP. She also has experience on the council, serving as her class’s representative for the past two years. I know she will be committed and help me follow through with my plans for next year. Together, we can successfully voice the opinions of both the junior and senior classes, and consider those of the underclassmen as well. To finish, I would like to clarify that regardless of the outcome of the elections, I will still be a part of Student Council and encourage anyone else, whether you run or not, to also join. Thank you for your consideration!

Kaleigh Fallon
As the 2011-2012 school year quickly comes to an end, it is again time to think about Student Council elections for next year. With that being said, I’m running for Vice President, along with Ben Duncan as President. Our school needs a strong Vice President who will provide the utmost dedication to our school as a whole. I strongly believe that I, along with Ben Duncan, hold all the necessary qualities of a determined, focused, and enthusiastic leader. It is key to have experience in order to fully understand the job and duties of Student Council, and being both freshman and sophomore representative I am fully cognizant and experienced with the world of Student Council. Student Council brings enthusiasm and spirit to our school. Student Council is responsible for organizing Spirit Week, dances, the Dodgeball Tournament, and also Field Day. Together along side with Ben Duncan we would be able to assure the next school year to be full of strong leadership, excitement, dedication, and most importantly school wide spirit. So here I stand asking you for your vote, and consideration for the 2012-2013 Student Council Vice President. Let’s have a great year! Much Thanks, Kaleigh Fallon

Bennani-Schlesinger Campaign Statements

By Adam Bennani & Sam Schlesinger, contributors 

President: Adam Bennani 
Adam Bennani
Sam Schlesinger
Vice-President: Sam Schlesinger

Adam Bennani

I believe that, as the president of your Student Council for the years 2012-2013, I will be able to provide all of my classmates with a school year full of a variety of activities and events which will make them glad that they voted for me. I want to run for Student Council president because I believe that my running partner, Samuel Schlesinger, and I possess the traits necessary in order to run a successful and highly productive student government. In this pursuit I will strive to reflect the desires of the student body upon the ways in which I would operate as head of the Student Council in order to best satisfy their wishes. I will, in the Sturgis spirit, work as hard as I can to reach out to other schools with IB programs.

I believe that you, as members of the student body, have the right to have a significant amount of input upon the activities, including dances, which our school participates in. With this belief, I will strive to include your ideas in all decisions made. We hope to incorporate your ideas into new school-wide events.

Sam Schlesinger
I, Sam Schlesinger, believe that, as Vice President of your Student Council for the school year of 2012 and 2013, I will be able to better the student body. Together with my running mate, Adam Bennani, I will work to include the thoughts and various ideas of our fellow classmates in as many decisions as possible. I truly believe that with our combined strengths and hardworking mentalities we offer the best possible team for the roles of President and Vice President. With the well-being of the student body in our minds, we truly believe that we will help to assist the student body as a whole in order to achieve a happier student body.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Letter to the Editor

Note: This is in response to Cooper Heilmann's short story "The Old Guitarist." 

I loved your story this morning!  It brought tears to my eyes as my husband used to play classical guitar but has Parkinson's now and can't play but he loved the guitar and said that when you play it, the vibrations from it makes you forget everything.  I could just envision him being that person.  I will share your story with him.  Thank you!  

Diane Klaiber

Sturgis Girls’ Tennis Team Finishes #1 in Division, Clinches States

By Kevin Agostinelli, staff reporter 

When being asked how Sturgis East tennis is doing, all one needs to do these days is point to the top of the divisional standings.
For the third season in a row, the Sturgis East Girls’ tennis team has clinched entry into the state tournament, but for the first time this year, the squad has finished first in the Cape & Islands League.
Led by the one-two punch of Olivia Sequin and Meghan Agostinelli, as well as the third singles newcomer Meredith Sullivan, the Storm boast an 8-2 record, and shattering previous win-loss records with two games still left to play. According to Coach Brian Hastings, skill is not the only winning ingredient for the team: “Since this year we don't have many new players, I'd say the chemistry has improved by the simple fact of having one year together already.”
Some of the more memorable matches this season have been the two grudge matches against Cape Cod Academy, where Meredith Sullivan went to three sets while Meghan Agostinelli finished off a dramatic come-from-behind victory in straight sets this past week. Not to be undone, Olivia Sequin’s victory against Sacred Heart’s first singles player was certainly one to watch.
“When Olivia & Meghan came to Sturgis Tennis as freshmen, the whole team improved,” Coach Hastings explains, “ Our successes can directly be attributed to their abilities and positive attitudes.”
The team naturally had high hopes going into this year, after reaching the 2011 state tournament only to crash out in the first round in a heartbreaking 3-2 loss against Dover Sherborn. When discussing his group’s overall chances in the tourney this season, Coach Hastings simply states, “As to how far we could go in state play, we'll take it one step at a time.”

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Old Guitarist

By Cooper Heilmann, staff reporter

The old house by the strawberry gardens had its windows open.  It used to be a beautiful house with brick walkways and gardens. But long had it been overgrown with ivy,  long had it been forgotten.  The house was dead.  The gardens no longer flowered, smoke no longer rose from the chimney.  Yet there was life in it still.  From within, one could faintly make out the sound of song drifting out the broken windows.  It was a sweet, sad song, an old song.  Inside the house, an old man sat in a musty green lounge chair in front of a dead fire whose ashes had blown and scattered across the living room floor.  The old man plucked the strings of an acoustic guitar.  The strings had not been replaced in years, yet the guitar still played like no other.  The old guitarist was bent over his instrument from years of doing nothing else but sitting and playing.  His cracked voice hummed along with the song, an old song that had long lost its name and meaning.  But this old man brought new life into it.  This song was the last strand of his life, yet it played of the past and the present.  There was no use for playing and singing of the future.
The old man was so caught up in his song that he barely even noticed the young boy who was trying to sneak closer to hear the song.  His feet became entangled in the vines that entwined the brick and he  stumbled, narrowly avoiding a fall on the broken glass outside the window. He crept to the windowsill and was immediately fascinated by the sight.  The man had a bony figure and white, wispy hair that was once long and luscious.  However, his eyes were crystal clear and as blue as the sky.  The man played and played.  The old man looked so lonely, and the boy wanted to cry out to him, to give him company, but he could not bring himself to do so.  The boy did not know how long he stood there, listening.  
Gradually, his music slowed down, becoming softer and softer.  He ended on a note that was both low and high, plucking the top and bottom strings open.  He looked up from his instrument and stared the little boy straight in the eye.  The boy gasped.  He had thought he was hidden.  But the old man smiled weakly and laid his head back with a sigh.  He died there with his guitar in his arms.
    The boy never forgot that moment of his life.  The sad song inspired him, and the old, yet piercing blue eyes haunted him forever.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Black Dog

by Cooper Heilmann, staff writer

All my life it has followed me,
That dark, black shadow of a dog.
I’ve seen it
When I was seven,
then nine,
then ten and twelve,
and then again just today.
I’ve seen it
At the beach before it rains,
In the cemetery at dusk,
In the darkness of that pine forest,
In the empty house I left behind,
And in the faces of my friends gone by.

When I was little I believed it existed,
but then again, anyone would.
When you look back on your childhood years,
You think, “oh, how foolish I was,” and
“oh I remember that!” and
“It doesn’t actually exist”.
But it turns out I was right those years that passed,
When I was seven,
When I saw it
In the forest,
Alone at night,
As it disappeared over the hill,
And at the beach before the storm.
Now finally I stare it straight in the eyes;
Those cold, dark, beady eyes.
I stare it down as if it was an old friend,
Or an old enemy.
I stare into those dark, cold beady eyes that finally bring
The death of me.

The Laramie Project: Impressive Success

By Sara Prygocki, staff reporter

Mrs. Ollagnon’s first play directed at Sturgis, “The Laramie Project”, based on the death of Matthew Shepard in Laramie Wyoming, was a great success. 

The cast of eleven, including senior Peter Carlson, juniors Augusta Davis, Shannon Lindlau, Jackson Fryer, Mike Moen, Anna Michael, Brenna Joyce, sophomores Geronimo Kelley, Mike Couto, Catherine Etiene, and Molly Brennan, were all very excited to do such a different play. 

Alongside assistant director Anna Liebermann and stage manager Czarina Shartle, Mrs O managed to take a play composed only of interviews from more than sixty characters and turn it into a full production. 

The stage was set simply with only a few chairs and stools painted white and hangers to hold the various costumes for the production. Overall it was very simple, with very little lighting and the occasional music. Even with the simple set, much of the cast calls the production “awesome.” 

Molly Brennan says of the play, “We didn’t know how powerful it was until we were in the middle of it.”

Mrs. Ollagnon seemed popular with the cast.

“She made me feel very comfortable to theatre, being a first timer to S.T.A.G.E.” said Geronimo Kelley. Shannon Lindlau agreed, adding: “She was very fair and supportive to all of us.” 

One area in which Mrs. Ollagnon’s style was somewhat difficult for many of the cast and crew was notes and suggestions, where they felt she could be vague. 

“She helped us a lot from a character development perspective,” Molly Brennan said. “But she left a lot up to interpretation.” 

Mike Couto adds “I know a lot of us would have liked a bit more instruction, but sometimes you don’t always need it to get the job done.” 

“Her style worked for me. It wasn’t like Mrs. Botsford’s at all, but it worked,” Anna Michael said.

Czarina Shartle, a first time stage manager, commented that “Mrs Ollagnon was just awesome and made me feel very comfortable in my job.”

Mrs. Ollagnon’s directing debut at Sturgis was an impressive one, and leaves the Sturgis community excited to see what she will do with her next project.